Join Us!
Becoming a member has many benefits!
Connect with families who can find you based on the services you offer
Get listed in multiple service categories based on your business offerings.
Network and meet with potential clients
Network and meet with other providers
Who can join?
Birth professionals who provide services to families during the preconception, childbearing or early parenting period. These include Acupuncturists, Childbirth Educators, Chiropractors, Breastfeeding support, Massage Therapists, Nutritionists, Parent Educators, Therapists, and many more!
Parents and community members who would like to get involved as an advocate for better birth options, education, postpartum, and breastfeeding support are also appreciated and welcomed!
Professional Membership:
This membership is for an individual or a business that wishes to support the Birth Network of Monterey County’s mission and vision, and would like to have their business information listed on our website. Professional members will also have the ability to vote in BNoMC elections.
BECOME a NEW member:
Please click the “Join as a Professional Member” button below to select your membership type/number of listings. You will receive a confirmation email with a link to a form to fill out your listing information. Your listing will not be posted until the form is filled out.
RENEW your membership:
Please click the “Return as a Professional Member” button below to select your membership type/number of listings. You will receive a confirmation email with a link to a form to fill out your listing information. Your listing will not be posted until the form is filled out.
Become a supporting member of
The Birth Network of Monterey County
1 year Supporting Membership: $25 - $100
This membership is for parents, community members, or businesses that wish to support the BNoMC’s mission and vision, but do not wish to be listed on our website.
Supporting members will still receive discounts from participating professional members, and have the ability to vote in BNoMC matters.
Please click the “Join as a Supporting Member” button below to join.